About us

What is Plum Brilliance?

Apryl Martinez founder of Plum Brilliance as a child smelling flowers

 I'd like to take a moment to introduce Plum Brilliance and what it means.

Plum Brilliance is the story of a small girl. A free-range child allowed to explore the idyllic rural setting of southern California. She was encouraged to climb through sage-covered coyote trails. She became the queen of granite tables filled with fairy pools in spring—transformed by the natural world, a water sprite in creeks full of teeny tiny frogs and crawdads. Her loyal subjects were the faithful dogs that kept watch and her confidants, the plants. She would come home exhausted, dirty, scratched, scraped, and drenched in the perfume of sagebrush but rarely "lonely."

hands processing wildcrafted herbs for botanical vegan skincare from Plum Brilliance Apothecary

Plum Brilliance is the story of a woman. A wife and the mother of three small children. A woman trying to keep up in a society with no time for creeks, coyote trails, and magic. Filled with an ache to return to the plants and earth that shaped her early years, she began crafting. She wove bits of pine with sweet wild rose into ethereal body oils. She layered juniper and sage into earthy, grounding soaps. When she anointed herself with these bits of alchemy, she found her connection back to the natural world regardless of where she was.

Apryl Martinez of Plum Brilliance wildcrafted skincare smiling in nature

Plum Brilliance is the story of you. Sage, Juniper, and Pine speak. It is soft, it is subtle, but when you listen, you can hear their voices. They whisper of connection and belonging. We are drawn to nature, and nature is drawn to us; the world is within us. Plum Brilliance is for you, wanting to connect with the coyote trails, the fairy pools, and the creeks with teeny tiny frogs. Plum Brilliance is a state of being and a simple reminder of the profound wisdom you already possess.

Born of necessity and passion, Plum Brilliance Apothecary officially bloomed in 2016 and has been growing wildly ever since.

We Believe:

  • self-love and self-care are vital
  • The natural world finds balance
  • you can Re-balance your skin with the natural principles of ethically and sustainably harvested plants
  • you will Re-awaken deep knowledge and connection through the use of plants
  • Magic is made through plant alchemy

    "You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer. "~Thich Nhat Hanh




